Casting Auxiliaries


For a perfect continuous casting result, you need perfect conditions. And we are satisfied with nothing less than perfect product functionality to support this. Our continuous casting products portfolio is based on over 40 years of experience in the field of casting fluxes. In close cooperation with our customers we keep on developing new, innovative solutions for perfect continuous casting processes.


⦿ SYNTHERM continuous casting powder for slabs, billets, blooms and beam blanks

⦿ SYNTHERM continuous casting granules for slabs, billets, blooms, thin slabs and beam blanks

SYNTHERM applications cover the full range of steelmaking from different C grades to special alloyed and stainless steels.


At PENNEKAMP Middle East LLC, we are a leading provider of high-quality refractory products for businesses across a wide range of Refractory and Steel industries. With over 25 years of experience in the refractory industry, we have established ourselves as a reliable partner for companies looking for durable and cost-effective refractory solutions.

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